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The Ark, called the Roundtable by the Union, is an artifact that allows Negators to receive Quests, furthermore it can be used to allow one person to live into the next Loop after Ragnarok.


Ark takes the form of a large, flat roundtable with the Union logo in the center and roman numerals around its circumference denoting every current seat. Engraved inside the number is the negation of whoever has that spot at the time. When Under stole it, it changed to their logo, though its unclear if this is an aspect of the Roundtable itself. Chairs float around it to be used during meetings or Quest delivering. When new seats are added, new chairs also appears. They move with the table but can be "dismissed" if the seated Negator can't use it, such as Tatiana. In the anime, the center of the table is clear and shows a complex clockwork mechanism. If the count exceeds 12, as in the 101st loop, new "sub-tables" will appear with individual seats, as the roundtable itself can't become bigger to accommodate that many Negators. At the start of a Loop, the seat count resets to two.

When used as the Roundtable, Ark's is main function is to initiate Quests given by Apocalypse: Once per month, when all its seats are filled, Apocalypse will open and give the currently available Quests, their Participant Counts and Rewards, along with the Penalty. Should all available seats not be filled when the date for delivering Quest arrives, all Quests are failed automatically. A hidden mechanic of quests is that whoever is taking the first seat may "pass" on a set of quests, causing the penalty to take effect and transporting itself along with the room and its occupants one year into the future, therefore giving less time until Ragnarok arrives.

Its other use is that Ark allows the Negator on the first seat to survive Ragnarok into the next loop. When Ragnarok begins, the Union member with the most points can activate the Ark to begin charging, which takes 1 minute per seat. When the charging is completed, the Negator is transported to the moon, where Luna speaks to them. While on the moon they are subjected to extreme time dilation, with millions of years passing by in seconds while the earth reforms for the next Loop. When the next loop begins, they are transported back to Earth. Each time this happens it deposits the Negator closer to Ragnarok: One of the earliest loops placed Juiz in the Jurassic Period, while the latest one placed Fuuko in the 1800s. Whoever rides the Ark also stops aging; this seemingly also applies to the items they carry as Fuuko's beanie is still in good condition after almost two centuries and Juiz's helmet looked new despite being billions of years old.


Unbelievable Arc[]

Billy declares that Under will get the Ark before the Union does.[1] Billy then has Burn grab the Roundtable to take control of the Quests, with Under gaining it shortly afterwards, but unable to use it due to the Union still having Apocalypse.

Autumn Arc[]

The Roundtable is placed in Under's hideout, filled out with its members. Akira reveals Rip's true goal of using the Ark to save his fiancé, but Akira states neither he nor Latla will be able to ride it.

Winter Arc[]

Juiz reveals to Billy that the Ark only has enough power for one more loop, and while she would give it him, she believes Fuuko has a better chance of defeating God.

Ragnarok Arc[]

The Roundtable is used by Juiz to move Andy and Fuuko forward in time of the rewards to save the latter from Ruin's attack. By the time the two jump back, it has been returned to Union HQ. During Rip and Andy's last fight, the former reveals that the Roundtable and Ark are one and the same, and demands Andy give up Victor's points so he can ride it and save Leila. During Sun's attack, Fuuko is chosen by Juiz to go into the next and final loop. Union and Under work together to slow down Sun to give enough time for Ark to charge and save Fuuko. They succeed and Fuuko is sent to the moon moments before the Earth is destroyed.


  1. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 35, Page 8

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