Undead Unluck Wiki
This article is about the new Unchange first mentioned in Chapter 31. See here for the original Unchange that served as the main antagonist of the Unchange Arc.

Unchange, real name Chane Kaiedena (チェーン=カイエデナ Chēn Kaiedena?) , is a currently unaligned Negator and the successor of Gina's power. Her location was a reward for completing the UMA Summer 100th Penalty quest. While she never appears in the main series, she does make an appearance in The Negators' Romantic Day Off.


Chane is a young girl who moves in a wheel chair. She wears a dress that goes to her feet and wears her hair in a pony tail.


Chane is a polite and somewhat shy girl. Though she can occasionally show enthusiasm, deep down Chane has a sad and pessimistic mentality because of her medical condition. She secretely wishes that tomorrow may never come, preferring quiet days to intensely happy moments out of fear that she'll never experience such happiness again.

She is a fan of To You, From Me and dreamed that she could experience romance akin to her favorite manga.



Chane was diagnosed with a weak heart at a young age, and was constantly coming in and out of the hospital. Her parents had eventually given up hope on her, though they still paid for her hospital admission and medical bills.

Unbelievable Arc[]

Apocalypse makes a quest for the neutralization of UMA Summer with the location of Negator Unchange as a reward for completion.

Light Novel: The Negators' Romantic Day Off[]

After the events of the Unrepair Arc, Chane was found in her hospital room by Latla Mirah and Rip Tristan. Her situation reminded them of Leila, prompting them to take her on a date to try and cheer her up. Although it seemed to have gone well, in the end she had a mental breakdown, wishing that things would never change. She awakened the Negator Ability Unchange, almost suffocating Rip to death in the process. She was taken into protection by Under, after which her fate is unknown.

Spring Arc[]

Billy's usage of Unchange during the fight against Andy confirms that Billy managed to get to her and make her consider him a threat, allowing him to copy her negator ability.

Powers & Abilities[]

Unchange ( () (へん) Fuhen?): She has the same power that Gina held before her death, though whether the power has been altered since its passing is unknown.



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