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"Once I've entranced you with my creation, you'll be my walking mannequin!!"

Clothes to the Andy, Chapter 10

Clothes (クローゼス, Kurōzesu) is the UMA that embodies clothing.


Clothes can take the appearance of any clothing it comes into contact with. It's eyes has narrow pupils resembling vertical lines, and a mouth full of jagged teeth.


Clothes is a wild UMA that gets angry easily and is very full of itself.

It has been tamed by Andy, but still keeps true to its nature of being annoyed. It does however show some fondness toward Fuuko, albeit in an off-hand manner.

Its favorite food is yarn.[3]


Spoil Arc[]

It escaped the cell it was kept in and possessed one of the guards, heading towards Andy and his group, taking control of Mui in the process. As Mui is knocked out by Fuuko's Unluck, it attempts to latch on Fuuko, but Andy gets in his way and it latches to Andy. It then rages for Andy's desire to have clothes that can repairs themselves and be able to call them out when he wants. Andy tells him he is the tackiest clothes he ever wore. Moments later they are hit by Fuuko's Unluck and Andy complains that it took Clothes 15 seconds to repair. It ended up being defeated and tamed by Fuuko and Andy.


Shapeshifting: Clothes is able to change its appearance to match the taste of the people it inhabits[4]. It can even take the form of more complex items of clothing, such as watches, the Anti-Blossom Cloaks or a functional Union Emblem.

  • Possession: Once it is able to satisfy its victim, Clothes is able to take possession over their body and control their movement.[4] While possessing its victims, Clothes can amplify its victim's strength by ignoring their body's limits, as seen when a possessed Mui was able to perform kung fu moves that she cannot normally use.[5] If its victim is rendered incapacitated, Clothes will relinquish its control and transfer to the nearest person.[6] Because Andy's tastes in clothing are too high for Clothes to satisfy, Clothes isn't able to take control of his body.

Regeneration: Clothes can also regenerate from serious damage, repairing itself to a pristine state within seconds of being destroyed.


  • Clothes ranked 20th in the First Popularity Poll and 22nd in the Third Popularity Poll.


  1. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 10, Page 17
  2. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 10, Page 6
  3. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 21, Page 15
  4. 4.0 4.1 Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 10, Page 7
  5. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 10, Page 14
  6. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 10, Pages 8-9

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