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"Nico...science is...lovely, isn't it?"

Ichico to Nico Vorgeil, Chapter 114

Ichico Nemuri (イチコ=ネムリ, Ichiko Nemuri) is a former Negator and a member of the Union that works as part of Nico Vorgeil's lab assistants.


Her hair is long and messy, covering most of her face except for her eyes. She has a beauty mark on the right side of her chin.


Ichico loves science with a passion. She also has no qualms about showing off parts of her body, as shown by her clothes made to show off her cleavage.



Originally a scientist in London, when she first manifested Unsleep, she passed out at a train station when on her way to her university to report her findings. While she survived, the Samaritan who saved her died when a train ran over him. She was later approached by the Union, and agreed to help, working with Nico as part of the Union's Science Team. They would fall in love, but the effects of Unsleep were slowly killing her. When she gave birth to Mico, the strain was too much and she passed on, just as Nico awakened to Unforgettable, traumatizing him.

Ragnarok Arc[]

To hasten Ragnarok, Ruin has Ghost use Ichico's spirit to make Nico betray the Union, killing all of the UMAs that were holding back the world's end, so that he can be with her again. Her backstory and romance is explored through Nico, and ultimately, she and the rest of the Science Team protects Andy and Fuuko from a dying Ghost by holding them down before sharing one last talk with Nico about their daughter.

Union Arc[]

In the new loop, when Ichico passes out and the Samaritan tries to help her, Fuuko, ridding on the Kinto'un Cloud, saves them both before adding her to the current Union. With her help, they are able to locate the missing piece needed to create the Psycho Pods. She then helps the Union in save Gina from her tragedy. Afterwards, she is taken to the year 1999 thanks to Fuuko passing quest to reach other members of the Union. She then helps in neutralizing Autumn by using a chaff to keep Gina safe until she masters Unchange. After the first quest is done, Fuuko then uses Soul Caliber to separate her soul from her body to confirm a theory about Negator abilities, and then recommends that she practice Astral Projection to allow her body to rest, saving her from dying early like before.

Negator War Arc[]

During the end of the war, when Fuuko's Unluck causes Disc to fall in Nico, Ichico's Astral Projection evolves to keep him safe, causing only Nico's soul to take the psychical stroke of Unluck and survive.

Language Arc[]

After Beast's neutralization, Soul chooses Ichico as a target to prevent Union from empowering itself through souls. Since Ichico is the Negator with the most advanced knowledge of souls in Union, the Master Rules send Language to Union headquarters to kill her. She is fatally stabbed by Language in order for Nico to awaken Unforgettable, but survives thanks to astral projection. She then rebukes Language's "request" to die and have Nico's Unforgettable to manifest so that she can live, even stating that as a ghost she will defeat the Master Rule. Language then forces Fuuko to make Nico and Ichico seats so the quest against Language can begin and her vengeance against Nico can be enacted,.


Unsleep: Ichico formerly possessed a self-targeting ability that prevented her from sleeping. As a side-effect, Ichico ended up developing oversized bags under her eyes due to lack of sleep. It also caused her to die due to exhaustion in the 100th loop.

  • Astral Projection: Thanks to UMA Ghost, she could separate herself from her body to mitigate the negative effects of Unsleep. Later, it evolved into being able to separate others from their body as well with a strong enough blow. During the final Ragnarok, she was shown to be able to project and shape her soul into the form of a chain which she used to bind and delay Soul.


  • Her surname "Nemuri (ネムリ)" translates to "Sleep".


  • Ichico's Popularity Results:
    • 23rd in the Third Popularity Poll, her eye bags ranked 55th (in a tie with UMA Crab)
    • 24th in the Fourth Popularity Poll
  • According to Ichico's profile in Volume 13:
    • Her hobbies are researching good coffee and baths.
    • Her special skill is resting while staying awake.
    • She likes japanese sweets.


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