Undead Unluck Wiki
Undead Unluck Wiki
"Juiz... I've done my part in transporting you all. Now I expect to see quite the show.."

Move to Juiz, Chapter 20

Move (ムーブ Mūbu?) is the UMA that embodies movement.

It was captured and tamed by The Union and was commanded by Juiz. It is now under Fuuko's control, the new leader of the Union.


Move's appearance is reminiscent of board games. It has a a muscular body and four fingered hands with claws. Its head looks like a ten-sided die with roman numerals on each face, and it has square spaces overs its limbs in path patterns with small pawn-like players going over them. In the manga, his board paths, head and claws are grey while the rest of him is black. In the anime, most of his body is dark green while his head is red.


Move has a rather bloodthirsty personality, and enjoy watching fights happen, given it urges Juiz to "show (me) a good fight" when Galaxy's aliens appear. This same eager nature prevents Andy from finishing off Sick due to the fight being "too meta" and admits to Apocalypse wants to see the Negators "with only one life left to live" struggle. Move also seems fond of junk food and is seen eating popcorn and drinking soda regularly.


Intro Arc[]

Move transports Shen and Void, who are tasked to capture Undead and eliminate Unluck. Upon Void's defeat, Move teleports Shen back to The Union.

Unchange Arc[]

Move transports Andy and Fuuko to The Union after Gina has been defeated.

Spoil Arc[]

Move transports the other members of the Roundtable to Shen and Fuuko to aide them in taking down Victor.

Unrepair Arc[]

Upon Juiz's request, Move transports all the members of the Roundtable to the surface above Union in order for them to witness the latest penalty, Galaxy.

Union Arc[]

At some point after reaching the 101st Loop, Fuuko encountered and tamed Move, presumably under the same condition it had with Juiz of giving it interesting battles to watch. Fuuko carries Move's core form in her backpack and makes frequent use of the portals.

Sick Arc[]

During the fight against Sick, a clone of Andy arrived to the hospital to help the Union. On top being immune to all of Sick's abilities, Andy expertly utilized the present negators to immobilize Sick and was ready to destroy him, but Move decided that this rendered the fight "boring" due to the obvious advantage. Move created a portal under Sick, taking him to the Master Room despite Apocalypse's indignation at this interference. Fuuko manages to get through the portal before it closes and confronts the Master Rules, though all attacks are prevented as the room's protection is active. Fuuko speaks with Soul, the First Master Rule, and manages to get Andy's current location before being sent back to Earth through another portal.

Unchaste Arc[]

When Rip, Shen, Billy and Tella are affected by Kurusu's newly evolved Unchaste and makes them love her, Move creates several portals to transport Latla, Betty and Veronica to the stage, where they attack and yell at their partners, since they only have Fuuko's now outdated information on the 100th Loop's Unchaste, though they calm down when they learn the activation conditions and effect have changed drastically. Fuuko arrives shortly after through another portal to deal with the situation. At Union HQ, Bau comments to Move that hes being oddly cooperative, to which Move explains his motivation: he finds it funny.


Portal Creation: Move can create portals at will and between any two known locations, he can even create multiple pairs simultaneously. The portals appear as glass-like cracks in a surface or simply floating freely, whereupon they shatter creating the portal which anyone may traverse. The portals remain active for as long as Move wishes. The portals seem to transport objects through a pocket dimension of sorts in which Move himself resides most of the time, this dimension is only noticeable when the portals are several miles apart: several seconds were spent in it to go between Union HQ and Uluru, while a portal that simply bypasses a door rendered it unnoticeable .


  • Move ranked 41st in the First Popularity Poll and 49th in the Third Popularity Poll.
  • Move is the first UMA seen in the series.
  • Move's head is a dice, while his corresponding Negator, Chikara, has a dice bracelet.


Site Navigation[]

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Round Table JuizShen XiangPhil HawkinsTatianaIsshinTop Bull SparxNico VorgeilAndyFuuko IzumoChikara Shigeno
Support Staff Mico VorgeilMui
Former Members Billy AlfredGina ChamberVictorVoid VolksIchico Nemuri
Members Billy AlfredBacksCreed DeckardEnjinFeng KowloonKainLatla MirahRip TristanTellaFuuko IzumoYusaiSadako Kurusu
Former Members Sean Datz
Regulators RuinSeal
Unaligned Negators Akira KunoTesshu Isshin UnbalanceUnchangeLucyUndefinitionKenji YokezuIsshin the 12th
UMA SpringSummerAutumnWinterRevolutionGhostMoveBurnEatCallPastSpoilClothesBloodSnowSpinAtmosphereThirstInsectJewelColourBombCloudSplashTellShadowHeatStopCrabTornadoSharkTyrannosaurusGoldPlatinum
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Misc RyoLeila MirahMei XiangLuoJulia U. StitiaKaede IzumoRaita IzumoVeronica Alfred
Longing KenMii