Undead Unluck Wiki
Undead Unluck Wiki
"What I want to see is the plight of people struggling in anguish, wavering between hope and despair because of the Quests and rewards. However, Undead has thrown off the balance. Not even Victor had the gall to do something so foolish. This is unacceptable. [...] I will enact regulations on Undead. So that I can enjoy this world even more."

Sun, Chapter 102

Sun (サン San?), also known as God and The One Who Validates This World, is the main antagonist of Undead Unluck. They are believed to be the being behind Apocalypse, and thus the one responsible for forcing all the rules upon the Earth.[1] Killing them is the primary goal of The Union.


Sun is presented as an overly malicious and sadistic being. It created the world so that its inhabitants would be tormented by its rules for the sake of its own entertainment. It also creates Negators by having ordinary people suffer by granting them a negation power, which causes a tragedy to unfold when it first manifests, bringing forth misfortune for them personally and/or others they care for. It is shown to be incredible petty at times by the timing it grants a person a Negator ability, from having Fuuko's Unluck kill her parents alongside a plane full of bystanders just for loving her, to granting Enjin his Unburn to keep him from making a dish for his dying mother, to even giving 101st Feng his Unfade just as the martial artist boasts to his rivals to defeat him, trapping him forever in a lonely, never ending quest of strength. Its ultimate goal, according to Soul, seems to be wanting to create the greatest form of life.

When it awakens, its very presence causes everything around it to melt and burn at a rapid pace, as shown in memories of previous loops where it can easily melt buildings and incinerate people by simply being near them.


When first seen in the Revolver's memory, Sun appeared as gigantic, featureless humanoid.

When fully seen during Ragnarok, Sun is a colossal black humanoid covered in constantly bursting pustules.


In the beginning, two gods, Sun and Luna, worked together to create the world. Afterwards, Sun entered a "game" with Luna to see if their creations could reach them, with them believing humanity could not and sides with the rules, creating UMAs and Negators to torment humanity by giving the UMAs the following order: "Use your rules to make humans suffer."

Spoil Arc[]

When Fuuko asks why the Union has to complete Apocalypse's Quests despite the suffering they cause, Juiz explains the Penalties and Rules to her, concluding with the Union's ultimate goal: Killing the God on the other side.

Unrepair Arc[]

While waiting for Chikara to decide whether or not he will join the Union, Andy and Fuuko are approached by Rip, now several years younger after being killed at the cruise ship. Rip hands a gun Artifact to Fuuko; upon touching it she sees a vision of a city melting while people scream and catch fire, above the destruction there is a huge black silhouette. She asks what that was and Rip tell them it was the God they intend on defeating, trying to show its pointless to go against such power. He offers them a place in Under, which they refuse.

Ragnarok Arc[]

As Ragnarok enters its final stage, God manifests themselves upon the Earth, with God's name being revealed to be "Sun" by Luna to Fuuko. After getting up, which greatly damages the world, Union and Under then struggle to keep them, along with their Regulators, away from Fuuko, who prepares to loop. Juiz sacrifices herself to keep Sun away for five minutes before dying. Sun barely reaches the Roundtable, even with all of the Negators working together, before being stopped by a dying Chikara. During the last moments of Ragnarok, multiple versions of Sun manifest from the solar body itself to enclose on the remaining Negators, who are standing on the Roundtable. Only Victor has any fighting spirit, going forth to fight off as many as he can before the world is destroyed.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • UMA Creation: Sun creates UMA and their rules as part of their game with Luna.[2] UMAs are universally tasked with causing pain to humans through their rules.
  • UMA Control: Sun was able to supersede Spring's mind when it refused to harm humans during his fight with Fuuko. However, it seems that this was due to special circumstances since Move, Burn, Clothes and Kindness are free to aid humans without being taken over, presumably because they still hold the goal of harming them in the long run.
  • Negator Imparting: Sun imparts Negations upon humans to cause them suffering, specifically granting the abilities that would ruin the person's life and immediately cause a tragedy. While initially believed that Sun could outright create Negations, they can only affect the "timing" of when said person receives it, with the ability actually being imparted by the previous Negators. Usually, the Negation is tied to their souls, but Sun can also directly intervene such as when he forced Unknown upon Akira so the G-Liner's knowledge could not be used effectively.
  • World Creation: At the end of each loop, Sun destroys the world and then creates a new one for the next loop, however it simply creates the planet and lets nature take its course, still taking billions of years to complete.
  • High Temperature Generation: Sun's body is unnaturally hot, its body capable of burning away anything that gets too close to it. Only Unburn could negate this aspect, but the heat itself is still dangerous.
  • Overwhelming Strength: Sun is extremely strong, befitting their size; it was able to simply walk with town-sized boulders attached to its feet by Undraw, as well as move rather quickly under its own immense weight.
  • Overwhelming Endurance: Sun is nearly impervious to damage, barely being hurt by the Union Electric Cannon; it took the Rebellion-empowered Juiz and Victor to merely slow it down for a few minutes.
  • Solar Beam: Sun can open the front of its face to unleash a devastating beam attack. Based on Language's version of him, he can also fire them from his hands.
  • Solar Pustules: Sun can launch its pustules as extremely fast solid spheres. It was able to make one go over the horizon to avoid Chikara's Unmove so it could tear off his arm.
  • Multiplicity: Sun can create (or is composed of) hundreds of identical bodies which it may summon out of the sun, meaning even if one was defeated, it can easily reproduce copies of itself.


  • God ranked 29th in the First Popularity Poll and 50th in the Third Popularity Poll.


  1. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 9, Page 16
  2. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 127, Pages 10-11

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