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Unknown (不明 (アンノウン) An'nōn?) is a Negator Ability used by Akira Kuno.


Unknown is a self-targeting ability that makes the user's words, actions, and any attempts to be perceived completely unnoticed by another living being. This is a unique ability, as it was imposed directly by God on anyone who touched the G-Liner artifact to prevent them from revealing information about the current loop.

Because of this power, the user's words cannot be heard, their body cannot be seen, and their attempts to physically interact with another living being will inevitably pass through their body, as if it were intangible. This ability also appears to extend to any item owned by the user, including food or items such as books and clothing.

While counterproductive, this ability can be exploited to enter normally inaccessible places (Akira was able to enter the Union headquarters) and thus obtain information normally inaccessible by other means.

As long as the user does not present himself as his original identity, the negation will not take effect. Akira was in fact able to make himself present and tangible by creating his own alias (Anno Un) thanks to the power of G-Liner.


  • This negator ability is unique for being the only one to be transferred to someone after touching an artifact.