Undead Unluck Wiki
Sorry, kid. All the seats are taken!! As long as there are no vacancies... there'll be no additions or changes to the roster. And any Negator who isn't a member is nothing more than a monster... who'll throw the world into chaos... an UMA freak!!

Void to Fuuko, Chapter 2

Void Volks (ボイドボルクス Boido Borukusu?) was a Negator and the former number 9 member of the Union. He along with Shen Xian were on the mission to capture Andy and kill Fuuko.[2] In the 101st loop, he is currently Number 3 on the Roundtable.


Void dresses in a full mechanized suit which mimics an office suit with a tie, with glowing red details inscribed within the arms and legs of the suit. The suit's helmet has a single turquoise eye in the center of its face.[3]

In the Union Arc, Void's full appearance is revealed. He is a tanned man with slicked back blonde hair. He wears a hooded jacket with a gold chain and a pair of boxing gloves.


Void is ruthless and takes his job seriously, instantly opening up with an attack on Andy without preamble or warning.[3] He showed no qualms over the death of a young woman, telling Shen to kill her since it is their mission.[2]

In the Union Arc, Void is shown to be confident and blasé around most situations. When he meets who he believes is a fan, he is very friendly with them.



Void was once just a homeless kid on the streets, getting into fights with whoever crossed his path. Eventually, a cop convinced him to go into boxing and carve his own path. Void would then become a World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, well-known for his brute force-driven wild style and specialized in one-hit KOs. While defending his third title, when he was down on points and it seemed the judges would hand his opponent Edward the win, his ability manifested. The right uppercut he landed on his defenseless opponent shattered his skull, killing him. Due to his ability, he was forced to leave the professional boxing scene behind.

By the time the Union scouted and recruited him he had already into alcoholism. Upon joining the Union, he found his life again, as his missions allowed him to use his ability to its full potential. But as time went on, he grew more and more violent.

Intro Arc[]

Void and Shen are send to kill "Unluck" Fuuko Izumo and capture "Undead" Andy. Upon locating them and arriving, Void instantly attacks Andy, while Shen captures Fuuko. Void reminds Shen of their mission and wants him to kill Fuuko, but Shen first wants to chat with her. Andy then tries to attack Void, but Void easily stops Andy from moving and then hits him. Void totally dominates in the fight between him and Andy. Void tries to stop Shen, but Shen doesn't see a problem and explains it all, with Void adding that all the seats are taken.

As Void tries to kill Fuuko, Andy comes in and saves her. Void notices that Andy is touching Fuuko and Fuuko then explains an unluck was coming. A moment later, a truck came flying exploding on impact. Void comes out unscathed while protecting Shen behind him. he continues his fight with Andy as they move into a building that was about to be demolished. As the building collapse, Void comes out of the rubble commenting that if it wasn't this suit, he would have died. He locates Andy's arm and thinks he secured him, but Andy appears behind him, and having figured Void's ability, Andy shoots his finger killing Void.

Ragnarok Arc[]

His corpse is shown alongside Gina's when Andy breaches Nico's lab to fight him. He "returns" alongside Gina as one of the Astral Dolls used by Nico after UMA Ghost fuses with him, becoming more powerful as a result. He disappears when Andy manages to break Nico's mind by destroying his lab.

Union Arc[]

He later returns in the 101st loop, his capturing being one of the quests given out by Apocalypse that Fuuko finally agrees on. However, he doesn't have his negator ability yet, which belongs to an old man who would be useless in combat. As a result, the others are forced to go after UMA Autumn first and wait until the old man passes so they can prevent Void's tragedy of accidentally killing his opponent. After the successful negation of Autumn, it comes time to actually capture Void. To do this, Fuuko begs for Ed, the opponent that would have been killed, to stand down and let her take his place, confronting Void while at an interview and challenge him for his belt. Despite initially thinking she's just a fan, her continued persistence, eventually landing a body blow on him after a short exchange, as well as Nico using his satellite to allow her to enter the match, has him accept her challenge and leaves. Away from everyone else, it turns out that Fuuko's body blow had done more damage than initially believed, exciting Void for the match.

On the day of the match, Void fights Fuuko, who initially doesn't use her Unluck due to wanting Void's last match to be one he can enjoy, and holds back enough that Void continues to grow more excited, praising her abilities as a boxer. Just then, Unavoidable awakens as he prepares to punch Fuuko again, but unlike Ed in the previous timelines, she (with help from Gina) survives the blow and gets him back with her true strength, which makes him happy, even if he can't understand what's happening. As Fuuko explains to Void what being a Negator means, he fears that he will never be able to box normally again, but is assured by Fuuko to that he will still be able to fight. Eventually, he tearfully asks Fuuko if he can still be a boxer, and she once again assures him, not only fighting against Negators stronger than her, but UMAs as well. Eventually, he wins the match, finding solace in leaving his old profession behind with no regrets and in Fuuko's debt. After Move teleports everyone back to the Roundtable, he instinctively punches Apocalypse before deciding to become the 3rd official member of the Union.

Negator War Arc[]

After joining, he, along with the other inner members of the Union, are told of Remember what she wants to do with it, but he and Nico point out that it's currently in the middle of a war zone, one where Billy, Tella, and Creed would awaken their Negator abilities. He later helps Fuuko in recruiting Sean by using Unavoidable to prevent him from fleeing. When it comes time to stop the war, he and the rest of the Union are able to stop Creed's tanks from killing the injured members of Horizon Balance before moving to capture Disc to cause both sides of the conflict to disperse. When confronting Billy, he attempts to punch him with his mechanical gauntlet, only for it to be cracked thanks to Billy's sharpshooting. When Disc begins to fall thanks to Fuuko's "Nostalgia Bullet", he stays on the falling Disc to make sure Billy doesn't try to run.

Sick Arc[]

Void, alongside the rest of the Union arrive at the Hospital to battle Sick. He lands several hits, but his armor gets disabled by Sick's Juniors.

Powers & Abilities[]

Unavoidable (不可避 (アンアボイダブル) An'aboidaburu?): Void negates his opponent's ability to "avoid" by taking control of their muscle movement as he enters an attack stance.[4] Since he is only halting the muscle movement he cannot nullify regeneration, and his opponent is still able to counterattack. As soon as the hit connects, the effect ends and the target can move freely again.

Enhanced Strength: Void has an enormous amount of physical strength, able to smash through a motorcycle and crush Andy's body with a punch.[5]

Enhanced Durability: The mechanical suit that Void wears is sturdy and tough, able to take several punches by Andy, and several explosions without leaving a dent.[6]

Master Boxer: As World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, Void has vast experience in fights, having defeated many opponents in the ring with a single punch using brute force. Alongside his negation, it has allowed him to be the Union's greatest frontline attacker in every loop thus far[7].


Next Ring: Void wears a Union-made suit of power armor that increases his strength and durability to superhuman levels, allowing him to throw punches so strong that they easily crush human bodies and withstand explosions that can demolish entire buildings.


  • Void's Popularity Results:
    • 25th in the First Popularity Poll
    • 13th in the Third Popularity Poll
    • 16th in the Fourth Popularity Poll
  • Void's concept under the armor was revealed as bonus in Volume 1.
  • His initial appearance in Loop 101 is similar to Balrog's from Street Fighter.


  1. https://twitter.com/undeadunluck_of/status/1692008349163004361
  2. 2.0 2.1 Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 2, Page 13
  3. 3.0 3.1 Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 2, Pages 11 - 12
  4. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 2, Pages 14 - 15
  5. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 2, Page 12
  6. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 2, Pages 17 - 19
  7. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 139

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